Fluent Cargo

Top 10 ports serviced by this carrier

These are the top 10 ports that Wings Air services. They are ranked by frequency of departures and include both international and domestic services.

1KOEEl Tari AirportIndonesiaEvery 1-2 hoursMore details
2UPGHasanuddin International AirportIndonesiaEvery few hoursMore details
3DPSNgurah Rai (Bali) International AirportIndonesiaEvery few hoursMore details
4BPNSultan Aji Muhammad Sulaiman Sepinggan International AirportIndonesiaEvery few hoursMore details
5LOPLombok International AirportIndonesiaEvery few hoursMore details
6KNOKualanamu International AirportIndonesiaEvery few hoursMore details
7MOHMaleo AirportIndonesiaEvery few hoursMore details
8BEJKalimarau AirportIndonesiaEvery few hoursMore details
9BDJSyamsudin Noor International AirportIndonesiaEvery few hoursMore details
10GNSBinaka AirportIndonesiaEvery few hoursMore details

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