Fluent Cargo

Airport name

Querétaro Intercontinental Airport QRO

Contact details

Airport Website

Port type



Mexico (MX)


20.617, -100.186



Local time

Airport Access

  • Road
  • Rail
  • Inland Waterway

Alternative airports

Alternative airports with regular departures that are near Querétaro Intercontinental Airport. Ranked from closest to farthest away.

  1. General Francisco J. Mujica International Airport

    MLM • 122km

  2. Bajío International Airport

    BJX • 141km

  3. Aeropuerto Internacional General Felipe Ángeles

    NLU • 156km

  4. Adolfo López Mateos International Airport

    TLC • 157km

Nearby seaports

Nearby seaports with regular departures that are near Querétaro Intercontinental Airport. Ranked from closest to farthest away.

  1. Altamira

    MXATM • 314km

  2. Lazaro Cardenas

    MXLZC • 362km

  3. Veracruz

    MXVER • 452km

  4. Manzanillo

    MXZLO • 464km

Carriers that service this port

There are 10 carriers that service Querétaro Intercontinental Airport. We have ranked them based on their scheduled frequency into that Port and included alternative names where available.

Carrier Identifier: VBVivaAerobus
Every few hoursMore details
Carrier Identifier: Y4Volaris
Every few hoursMore details
Carrier Identifier: AMAeromexico
Every few hoursMore details
Carrier Identifier: UAUnited Airlines
2-4 times a dayMore details
Carrier Identifier: CVCargolux
1-2 times a dayMore details
Carrier Identifier: AAAmerican Airlines
Every 1-2 daysMore details
Carrier Identifier: W8Cargojet Airways
Every 1-2 daysMore details
Carrier Identifier: FXFedEx
1-2 times a weekMore details

Port statistics

Frequently asked questions about Querétaro Intercontinental Airport