Fluent Cargo

King Ocean schedules

Upcoming vessel departures and sailing schedules for King Ocean Services

Next DepartureArriving inDurationVesselDescription

Country flag: KRKRUSN

Country flag: KRKRPUS


Direct service


IMO 9247297

Country flag: KRKRKAN

Country flag: CNCNSHG

1 day 1h

Direct service


IMO 9882205

Country flag: VNVNSGN

Country flag: CNCNSHG

5 days 18h

Direct service


IMO 9859911

Country flag: HKHKHKG

Country flag: CNCNSHK


Direct service


IMO 9315848

Country flag: HKHKHKG

Country flag: CNCNSHK

2h 30m

Direct service


IMO 9859894

Top 10 ports serviced by this carrier

These are the top 10 ports that King Ocean services. They are ranked by frequency of departures and include both international and domestic services.

1KRPUSBusanSouth Korea2-4 times a dayMore details
2KRUSNUlsanSouth KoreaDailyMore details
3CNSHGShanghaiChinaDailyMore details
4HKHKGHong KongHong KongDailyMore details
5VNSGNHo Chi Minh CityVietnamEvery 1-2 daysMore details
6MYPKGPort KlangMalaysiaEvery 1-2 daysMore details
7KRKANGwangyangSouth KoreaEvery 1-2 daysMore details
8JPHIJHiroshimaJapanEvery 1-2 daysMore details
9KRINCIncheonSouth KoreaEvery 1-2 daysMore details
10THLCHLaem ChabangThailandEvery 1-2 daysMore details

Carrier statistics

On time performance

This chart displays the On Time Arrival performance for King Ocean as measured by comparing all vessel scheduled vessel arrivals vs actual arrivals.

Jan OTP 27.41%

Previous month OTP 33.41%


Average days late

A vessel is considered late when arriving more than 1 day behind schedule. This chart shows the average number of days that King Ocean vessels are typically late by.

Jan 3.1 days

Previous month 3.2 days

-0.1 days

Frequently asked questions about King Ocean